By becoming an Appointed Representative, a firm is able to carry on certain regulated activities, under a contract with a regulated entity which Exponential can provide, which then accepts responsibility for the regulated activities carried out by its Appointed Representative(s). This avoids the need for the firm concerned to obtain direct authorisation from the FCA.
We ensure the process of becoming an Appointed Representative is thorough but speedy; our experience having allowed us to develop a detailed and efficient process to allow us to act quickly to assess your firm’s suitability, including undertaking the necessary due diligence to make sure your key people are fit and proper.
Financial Services is a huge umbrella term, but here at Exponential Solutions, we have a wide range of permissions available to assist most potential applicants including financial advisers, insurance intermediaries, stock/derivative advisers, corporate finance and marketers of alternative investments
Clearing Broker Partners
As well as providing regulatory umbrella services, we also have established relationships with Equity, CFD, FX and Spread bet clearing partners which can further expedite your route to market.
The increasingly intrusive regulatory environment has resulted in clearing brokers across the board becoming far more stringent over the granting of agreements with introducing brokers.
If you’re an Appointed Representative of Exponential Broker Solutions you will not be subject to the same degree of scrutiny as a firm approaching them directly, we will provide you with a house account within our own structure which will be fully active within 24 hours. Additionally, we have multiple commission profiles and investment management charging structures in place to satisfy the specific requirements of your own firm.